Going OutOne Christmas Luke asked for a drill. I think that’s where this starts. He got it too and a decade later he was making an ad up North and he saw a forest and he thought there should be something hidden in that forest. A library, maybe. A bothy, this turned into, like the Scots have, shelters you’d be glad of if you were caught out in the wild. A bothy but for artists not the groundsmen. But then one bothy wasn’t going to do it, wasn’t ever going to be enough, there should be four of them, hidden across Ireland, he decreed, plotting up in Highgate near the suicide bridge. So he’d need a crew and he got Mike to produce, Eoin to shoot it, Adam to art direct and Dave (this is Dave scribbling) to write it. Luke directing it all, the only filmmaker I know with engineer dreams. He roped us all in because you were never going to say no. He’d done some exploring before, loved talking about it and inked the co-ordinates on himself, in case he forgot where he’d been or the internet broke. George Mallory might have been the first man to climb Everest. We don’t know but he might have before he died on the mountain. “Because it’s there” is what makes us different from chimps. Now our bothies are done and tenner bets you won’t get to all of them. Going to find one of them is more important than all the reading and looking you can do here. Get out of the gallery. Art’s not just soft hands. |